Some stuff about me

Hello :) My name is Tim and this is my awesome website! As told on the Home page too, I am a 18 years old student, that is interested in Coding, computer stuff and technology in general. I am studying to be a history and English teacher in Germany.
Thanks for visiting this site, I actually wrote it all by myself, just for fun :)
I usually code in C/C++ and Java and also sometimes in Rust and obviously in HTML and CSS (I am to scared of JS to touch it!).
As my main text editor I use Emacs and in the terminal neovim. I am also trying out the Kakoune editor just for fun.
As my main OS I currently use Fedora Atomic Budgie, customized with uBlue, and NixOS with Budgie. I ditched Windows years ago and I never looked back!
My home server currently runs RHEL (with a developer licence) because I just want that thing to run without me having to update it every week or so. Apart from technology, I really love books and history. I just want to learn so much about past events and what we can learn from them. And books are a great resource and its just very fun to read :).
I also want to mention some of my political views, which basically are just that I really like communism and think it is a way better alternative to the toxic capitalism that our world has evolved to. But I do not want to go into an anti-capitalist rant here ;)
More info coming soon (maybe) ...